"For Real Life?"
Our funny four-year-old often says some pretty interesting things. And well, you gotta document them or they're gone forever. They just seep into that part of your brain where you go, "ah man, what was it she used to say that was so funny? Anyway...it made me laugh. Whatever it was." That can't happen, so I keep a notepad app on my phone to quickly jot down some of the funnies along the way.
After I share with Norah something clearly astonishing (in her mind), such as "Aunt Becki is my sister" or "Vegetables are good for dogs too" Norah always says "FOR REAL LIFE, MOM?!" Nuh-no, not "For real life, mom?" but picture a very animated little girl with arms flinging to her hips, head tilted to the side, a little bob to the bod, big eyes and a high pitched voice, squealing "FOR REAL LIFE, MOM?!"
For real life, mom. I'm not sure if I say "for real" a lot, or if she heard it from a friend. And while it sounds a little off, like she's confusing a couple of phrases together, it's so freakin' cute every time it comes out of her small mouth. She says it with 100% commitment and animates her entire body. FOR REAL LIFE, MOM?" Yes, Norah, for real life.
Here's a few other highlights from our daughter's vocab these days:
1. "Remember? That one time you said..." Girl's got a steal trap memory, so two months later she'll remind me of something I said I'd do for her or give her, and she'll give me complete sh*t about it. Nothing gets past this kid, I swear. Gotta be on your A game.
2. "Oh. My. Gracious!" I have no idea where she got this from. Especially that gracious word. Who says that anymore? It sure sounds cute coming out of Norah's little voice. She says it with pure enthusiasm, pausing in between each word. Kind of like "Oh. My. God. Becki. Look at her...." You get the idea.
3. "Yittle" and "Bery." Norah cannot say her L's or V's very well yet. So we've got a "yittle" work to do, but not "bery bery much."
4. "What's that smell? It smells like peas in here." Pick a vegetable. She likes to reference it in conversation, especially when it comes to smells. I could have lit a lovely mulled cider candle and she would enter the room and announce to everyone it smells like peas in our house. Stupid candle.
5. "If you do that ONE more time...!" This is only ever directed at Jaxon and she always adds a little sassy finger flick motion to it.
6. "Will you sleep with me?" (insert batted eye lashes) Every. Single. Night. It must be a phase. Right? It's gotta be a phase. This one's just for me. Not dad or anyone else. Just me. At first I gave in. A lot. I mean it's kind of precious. I'd always fall asleep with her, which of course wasn't so bad. I mean, you only get so much time with them at this age. But, slowly I started to "matrix" myself out of her bed all stealth like. Of course she'd wake up and pull me back down because she's Smith. So, there was some dreamy convo about being brave, being a big girl, how God is watching over her. Let's just say it's a work in progress. We can both be very persuasive, so it's like a double negative or something.
7. Poop talk. I'm not going to say anything more. I know, I know, very taboo and all. But why are kids so fascinated with poop. I mean, she narrates the entire experience on the potty for us. And then it's like she thinks we don't believe her, so she insists we get a visual confirmation of the size and location of said poo. It's just so exciting apparently. I had no idea. The poop talk is both hilariously entertaining and well...smelly.
Remember, it's the little moments that make life BIG.
Beth (and Norah Piper)
After I share with Norah something clearly astonishing (in her mind), such as "Aunt Becki is my sister" or "Vegetables are good for dogs too" Norah always says "FOR REAL LIFE, MOM?!" Nuh-no, not "For real life, mom?" but picture a very animated little girl with arms flinging to her hips, head tilted to the side, a little bob to the bod, big eyes and a high pitched voice, squealing "FOR REAL LIFE, MOM?!"
For real life, mom. I'm not sure if I say "for real" a lot, or if she heard it from a friend. And while it sounds a little off, like she's confusing a couple of phrases together, it's so freakin' cute every time it comes out of her small mouth. She says it with 100% commitment and animates her entire body. FOR REAL LIFE, MOM?" Yes, Norah, for real life.
Here's a few other highlights from our daughter's vocab these days:
1. "Remember? That one time you said..." Girl's got a steal trap memory, so two months later she'll remind me of something I said I'd do for her or give her, and she'll give me complete sh*t about it. Nothing gets past this kid, I swear. Gotta be on your A game.
2. "Oh. My. Gracious!" I have no idea where she got this from. Especially that gracious word. Who says that anymore? It sure sounds cute coming out of Norah's little voice. She says it with pure enthusiasm, pausing in between each word. Kind of like "Oh. My. God. Becki. Look at her...." You get the idea.
3. "Yittle" and "Bery." Norah cannot say her L's or V's very well yet. So we've got a "yittle" work to do, but not "bery bery much."
4. "What's that smell? It smells like peas in here." Pick a vegetable. She likes to reference it in conversation, especially when it comes to smells. I could have lit a lovely mulled cider candle and she would enter the room and announce to everyone it smells like peas in our house. Stupid candle.
5. "If you do that ONE more time...!" This is only ever directed at Jaxon and she always adds a little sassy finger flick motion to it.
6. "Will you sleep with me?" (insert batted eye lashes) Every. Single. Night. It must be a phase. Right? It's gotta be a phase. This one's just for me. Not dad or anyone else. Just me. At first I gave in. A lot. I mean it's kind of precious. I'd always fall asleep with her, which of course wasn't so bad. I mean, you only get so much time with them at this age. But, slowly I started to "matrix" myself out of her bed all stealth like. Of course she'd wake up and pull me back down because she's Smith. So, there was some dreamy convo about being brave, being a big girl, how God is watching over her. Let's just say it's a work in progress. We can both be very persuasive, so it's like a double negative or something.
7. Poop talk. I'm not going to say anything more. I know, I know, very taboo and all. But why are kids so fascinated with poop. I mean, she narrates the entire experience on the potty for us. And then it's like she thinks we don't believe her, so she insists we get a visual confirmation of the size and location of said poo. It's just so exciting apparently. I had no idea. The poop talk is both hilariously entertaining and well...smelly.
Remember, it's the little moments that make life BIG.
Beth (and Norah Piper)
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