One Month Appointment

Jaxon went to his one month appointment today to meet with Dr. Davis and find out how he's doing. Jaxon is 5 weeks old now. He weighed in at 9 lbs 13 oz (almost 10 lbs!) and 22 inches long. Dr. Davis was so intuitive. I think I had about 42 questions written down on a piece of paper, ready to ask away, when Dr. Davis walked into the room without hesitation saying, "Hi folks! Reflux. How you know if Jaxon has it is based on one of two symptoms. First..." Wow. How'd he do that? That was going to be my first question. So, by the end of the appointment, I really only had 3 questions to ask Dr. Davis as he answered the rest of mine before I could even get there. What a great doc! I highly recommend him to anyone looking for a new pediatrician. Jaxon didn't like his shots too much, but we sort of cracked up when he fell asleep after 5 seconds of hard crying. I guess they weren't so bad after all. What did we learn from the appointment? First, Jaxon is a healthy and happy baby overall, and there's nothing we should be concerned about (phew!). Second, he likes to eat! If 3-4 oz/feeding is what he wants, give it to him and no harm done, even though the web (and everyone else and their sister) says 2 oz (so, what you're saying is that you can't believe everything you read on the Internet?). And third, tummy-time twice-a-day is the best developmental activity we can offer him at this point in his life. Interesting!



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