7 Months Old

It's hard to believe Jaxon is now seven months old. At his six month appointment, he weighed in at 19.3 lbs and 27 inches long, in the 79th percentile. He is already outgrowing his 6 months clothes - he still looks like a baby to me until I hold up a pair of nine month-old clothes and suddenly I can't believe how big he has gotten. His favorite foods are sweet potatoes and pears, and he loves bouncing in his new jumper-exerciser-thingamajigger.

I know I say this a lot, but some days I feel so blessed to have such a happy baby. Jaxon is always smiling and laughing. In fact, while I knew some babies start to "fake cry" at some point in their growth, Jaxon does a "fake laugh" instead. So, basically when he is not laughing, he is "fake laughing." It is quite hilarious.

Tonight, I got Jaxon laughing pretty hard. He was cracking up at some weird noises I was making, and it was so so so sweet! Check it out...


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