Jaxon Plays House

'Twas the night before Christmas and all through the house....let me rephrase....'twas the night before Christmas and Jaxon was playing house. It was the night before Christmas when we first saw Jaxon "playing house" with a bunch of Great Grandma Singleton's play food, dishes and cups. It was the funniest thing to see your child "make believe" with real-life scenarios and pretend to drink air from a small plastic cup, or cut up his make believe eggs on his plastic plate and then feed himself with a grin from ear-to-ear. Whether he learned this at daycare, from watching Kyle and I, or it simply just occurred to him, it was the cutest thing ever to watch him imagine. And even though every kid does it, it's always new and unique and meaningful when yours does it for the first time.

Here is a video of Jaxon playing house over the holiday. :)
Vide link:  http://youtu.be/qHu9GIv0DXI


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