"Mommy Needs Medicine!"

There have been so many funny moments lately we've experienced with Jaxon. Something about the age of two that plots a kid down a path of exploration, taking things so literally, a heightened sense of learning, words and more words, the good, the bad and the dirty. It seems like these moments happen so quickly and then we're onto the next thing - and I soooo don't want to forget them. Stories I can share with my son one day. Stories to look back and say, "remember when?" Here's a funny one I definitely don't want to forget...

I was having one of those days... You know, too many things going on at once, a little bit stressed out, oh, and on top of it, I was 5 months pregnant and perhaps a bit hormonal. What tipped me over the edge was the silliest thing looking back on it. I asked Kyle to stop and pick me up a chocolate frosty from Wendy's on his way home. He did, only he showed up with what was not a frosty, but some other ice cream concoction from Wendy's. I had my heart set on a chocolate frosty for some reason. And you don't mess with what a pregnant woman specifically wants! :) I burst into tears (yes, you read that right) and Kyle gave me a big hug, saying he was sorry. I could tell he was trying to be sympathetic. As I was tearing up, I had to ask myself, "what the hell is wrong with me??" Kyle and I were sitting on the floor and Jaxon noticed us hugging and he came over to me very worried. He placed his hand on my shoulder very gently, cocked his head to the right to see my face and so I could see his, bent down to look me right in the eye and said very nervously, "Mommy, you awh-right? Mommy, you awh-right?? Daddy, mommy sad!" Kyle told Jaxon I wasn't feeling well. Jaxon's response? "Oh! I get mommy medicine!" And he rushed off to the bathroom, running down the hallway in full speed, to find me some medicine. He found something in a cabinet and raced it out to me (I think it was lotion or something). He handed it to me and said, "Mommy, you're sick! You need medicine! You need a doctor?" My tears turned into a huge belly laugh and both Kyle and I couldn't stop laughing hysterically. Jaxon's innocence around the entire situation was so adorable. Kyle told Jaxon what I really needed was a hug, so Jaxon gave me a big bear hug and, of course, all was better. Unfortunately, Kyle will probably never take my chocolate shake orders ever again...

My favorite little doctor. :)


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